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  3. Tajikistan to Launch Trade House in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 11 August, 2023 | 10:25
1 min read

Tajikistan to Launch Trade House in Kazakhstan

Kazakh buyers will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with Tajik products

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Wikimedia Commons/Rjruiziii
Wikimedia Commons/Rjruiziii

The Tajik government plans to expand the exports of local enterprises to Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkiye, and Saudi Arabia by establishing trade houses, QazMonitor reports citing Trend News Agency.

Bahriddin Sirojiddinzoda, the Director of Tajikistan’s Export Agency, mentioned that these trade houses will allow potential customers to familiarize themselves with product samples produced by Tajik enterprises. Such facilities will also provide contact details for direct communication with manufacturers and opportunities to place orders.

Currently, we are actively working on establishing Tajikistan's trade houses in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as in Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, and Turkiye. This initiative is still in the development phase.

Bahriddin Sirojiddinzoda
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