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  3. KazTransOil Increases Oil Exports via Aktau Seaport by 75%
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 May, 2023 | 09:38
1 min read

KazTransOil Increases Oil Exports via Aktau Seaport by 75%

152,400 tons were shipped to Baku, and 160,200 more to Makhachkala in April

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The national oil transporter KazTransOil shipped 312,600 tons of oil in April along the Aktau-Baku route, QazMonitor reports citing the national company’s press service.

In April this year, the volume of Kazakh oil exports from Aktau port grew by 24% up to 60,500 tons when compared to March, amounting to 312,600 tons. This figure includes 115,000 tons from the Tengiz field, 19,200 tons from the Dunga field, and 178,300 tons from the Buzachi Peninsula fields.

The increase is due to the expansion of transportation of Kazakh oil through Aktau in the direction of the Azerbaijani port of Baku, from 87,000 tons to 152,400 tons. The growth is 75% when compared to March 2023. In addition, 160,200 tons were shipped in the direction of the Russian port of Makhachkala.

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