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  3. When Will 5G Be Available in Kazakhstan?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 May, 2023 | 14:07
1 min read

When Will 5G Be Available in Kazakhstan?

Minister Bagdat Mussin revealed the plans for the network standard development in Kazakhstan

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In 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry will introduce the new generation of 5G mobile communications in cities of national importance and in some regional centers, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the ministry.

During the government meeting, Minister Bagdat Mussin said that "by 2027 the coverage of each city of republican significance and the capital will be 75%, and regional centers - 60%.”

He noted that 5G will provide high-speed Internet access, which will accelerate the development of the digital economy and improve working conditions for modern technology companies.

Fast information exchange and large volumes of data transmission allow the creation of more secure communication and monitoring systems, which is especially important for critical infrastructure management and national security.

It is also planned to provide high-speed Internet access to over 170 thousand households in the cities by constructing a broadband network.

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