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  3. Wage Growth Illusion, Nuclear Power—Must-Have
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 February, 2022 | 12:18
less than 1 min read

Wage Growth Illusion, Nuclear Power—Must-Have

President Tokayev addressed important social issues

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Wage Growth Illusion, Nuclear Power—Must-Have

The extended session of the Government chaired by President Tokayev was held in the Nur-Sultan today. What did they talk about and how are they going to build a new Kazakhstan for people?

Tokayev: Wage Growth Illusion

  • It is necessary to increase people's incomes and reduce the gap between people's incomes. Income is the main factor in improving people's well-being and confidence in the future.

  • The number of poor people in debt is increasing. Today, the income of about 1 million people does not even reach the minimum subsistence level. This is the worst result in 10 years.

  • Despite this, the government reports that average wages are rising. This is an illusion.

Tokayev: Almaty spirit

  • Almaty is a special city for the people of Kazakhstan. It is crucial to solve the pressing social issues as well as revive "the true Almaty spirit".

  • Specific measures are to be discussed in the course of the upcoming trip to Almaty in early March.

Almaty mayor Dosayev: pollution and schools

  • Almaty schools don’t have enough place for 19,611 children. This year, 22 secondary education facilities for 14,245 children will be opened in the megalopolis.

  • Why is the air so polluted in Almaty? In 2021 the main sources of pollution are transport - 56%, thermal power plants, and industrial enterprises - 39%, private residential sector - 5%.

Head of Almaty region: poverty

  • The low level of income of the population is the main reason for the January events 

  • 53 thousand young people in the region do not have specialized secondary or higher education, out of which 21 thousand do not work or study 

  • The proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum increased from 2.3% in 2015 to 4.0% in 2020.

Tokayev: Nuclear Power Plant is a must-have

  • We have experienced regular power outages. The most vivid example is the recent power outage in the south of the country.

  • We are partly dependent on the quality of the power systems of neighboring countries. The problems of energy security of the country need to be urgently solved. 

  • A nuclear power plant is needed to eliminate the power imbalance in the south of Kazakhstan.

  • Without clean nuclear power, we will lose the entire economy, not to mention investment. We will lose our regional leadership. We urgently need clean nuclear power. 

  • We can't go along with populists who don't understand economic realities. We need to professionally explain the importance of nuclear power. 

  • Two sites are being considered for the construction of the nuclear power plant: Ulken village in the Almaty region and Kurchatov city.

Prime Minister Smailov: gas prices and car loans

  • The country’s domestic market will be provided with additional 150,000 tons of liquefied petroleum gas 

  • In addition, prices on raw gas and traded gas will be fixed until 1 January 2024 at the level of December 2021. 

  • More than 100 billion tenge / $232 million will be allocated to the new Program of preferential car loans for the purchase of economy class cars.

Tokayev: the new rallies in Mangistau

  • All workers' demands must be listened to carefully. Their legal rights must be preserved and respected. 

  • It is necessary to establish a dialogue between the trade union and the management of companies, whose employees come out to protest. 

  • If necessary, a special government commission will be sent to the Mangistau region again.

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