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  3. Kazakhstan to Ship Two More Batches of Crude Oil to Germany
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 March, 2023 | 16:55
1 min read

Kazakhstan to Ship Two More Batches of Crude Oil to Germany

KazTransOil plans to send the second batch this month

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Sven Kaestner
Sven Kaestner

Kazakhstan plans to send 20,000 tons of crude oil to Germany in March via the Russian Druzhba pipeline and the same volume in April, QazMonitor reports.

Kazakh Energy Minister Bolat Akchulakov said on Tuesday that Kazakhstan agreed to ship 300,000 tons to Germany in 2023, though the total supply volume could be increased to 1.2 million tons.

"The first batch of oil has already left, and the second batch of oil is planned for March. On average, we plan to send 20,000 tons of oil a month. The plan for April is also 20,000 tons," Akchulakov told reporters.

KazTransOil planned to send the first batch in January but due to technical delays started transporting oil in late February.

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