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  3. Which Countries Import Kazakh Apples?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 February, 2023 | 16:51
less than 1 min read

Which Countries Import Kazakh Apples?

Kazakhstan has exported over 4,100 tons of apples and peaches in 2022

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pexels/Elizabeth Tr. Armstrong
pexels/Elizabeth Tr. Armstrong

According to the national bureau of statistics, Kazakhstan exported over 4,100 tons of apples and peaches in 2022, QazMonitor reports.

The main export destinations were Russia – 3,100 tons, Uzbekistan – 216.9 tons, and Belarus – 216.9 tons, Mongolia – 141 tonnes, and the Kyrgyz Republic – 37 tons.

During the same period, Kazakhstan imported 113,500 tons of apples and pears. The top suppliers to our country were Poland – 62,000 tons, Uzbekistan – 17,000 tons, and Iran – 10,000 tons.

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