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  3. Kazakhstan to Integrate Canadian System of Domestic Violence Prevention
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 February, 2023 | 10:10
1 min read

Kazakhstan to Integrate Canadian System of Domestic Violence Prevention

The ODARA program aligns with efforts to train more proactive police response

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The ministry of internal affairs together with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the representatives of German police service held a forum in Astana on measures to prevent domestic violence, QazMonitor reports.

Last year, the government body developed legislative changes to address the issue of widespread domestic violence in Kazakhstan. The document intends for the police force to take a proactive stance in registering offenses.

The content includes the excluding the possibility of reconciliation between parties and the tightening of administrative and criminal liability for domestic violence.

As of now, the bill is under consideration of the Parliament.

The ministry officials proposed during the forum to implement a Canadian prevention system called the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment Training Program (ODARA).

This system has already seen extensive use in Germany. ODARA can determine if the offender is susceptible to constructive intervention and to whom the police should have to take strict action.

According to the German side, success in prevention measures depends on effective interagency cooperation.

Barbara Emrich, the chief commissioner of the Landau police service, said that a range of institutions from state bodies to NGOs can do their part to implement their own intervention methods.

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