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  3. Uzbekistan and India Represent Majority of International Students in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 January, 2023 | 15:46
less than 1 min read

Uzbekistan and India Represent Majority of International Students in Kazakhstan

Almost 29,000 international students are receiving education in Kazakh universities

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According to the annual report by the Bureau of National Statistics, about 28,937 of the 575,511 students in Kazakhstan are foreigners, QazMonitor reports.

Uzbekistan leads the list by a large margin with 14,404 students, followed by India with 5,987. The third place is held by the citizens of Turkmenistan – 2,795 students.

The following states account for a significant percentage of international students as well:

Russia – 1,263, Mongolia – 1,010, China – 811, Kyrgyzstan – 659, Jordan – 546. The remaining 1,462 international students came from other countries not included in the list.

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