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  3. Qazaq Kuresi World Championship Begins in Astana
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 December, 2022 | 11:07
1 min read

Qazaq Kuresi World Championship Begins in Astana

39 countries are participating in the competition

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The world championship in the traditional martial arts Kazakh kuresi is taking place in the Zhekpe Zhek sports facility for the first time in Astana on December 12-14, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of culture and sports.

Three hundred fifty wrestlers from 39 countries are participating in the competition. There are three age categories: junior, youth, and adult.

"Kazakh kuresi is an integral part of the history of the Kazakh people,” remarked Minister of Culture and Sports Dauren Abayev.

“It promotes the formation of strength and endurance, develops thinking, and cultivates justice. That is why a lot of attention is paid to the development and popularization of Kazakh kuresi.”

According to the minister, more than 142 thousand people play the sport today.

At the competition, Kazakhstan is represented by Bekzhan Toplepov (55 kg), Marat Nigmatullaev (60 kg), Nur Amanshukirov (66 kg), Zhumazhan Kojambekov (74 kg), Aidyn Dartaev (82 kg), Toktarbek Aidarbek (90 kg), Muhit Tursynov (100 kg) and Nurdaulet Zharylgapov (+100 kg).

Kazakh kuresi is popular not only in Kazakhstan but in many other countries around the world.

Since 2017, two World Championships, two European and two Asian Championships, as well as 13 Championships in Kazakhstan were held. More than 30 countries are part of the Federation.

In 2016, the Kazakh national wrestling was included in the UNESCO list of intangible heritage.

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