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  3. Astana Listed Among Most Attractive Cities for Investment
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 December, 2022 | 16:18
1 min read

Astana Listed Among Most Attractive Cities for Investment

Think-tank Z/Yen published the latest edition of the Smart Centres Index

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Evgeny Tkachenko
Evgeny Tkachenko

London-based commercial think-tank Z/Yen added Kazakhstan’s capital Astana to their recently updated list of attractive cities for investing in technology, science, energy systems, machine learning, and financial technologies, QazMonitor reports citing AIFC.

This is the first time Astana made it to the sixth edition of the Smart Centres Index (SCI 6), which tracks global commercial centers’ ability to create, develop, and deploy their technology. Out of 131 commercial and financial centers researched, 75 centers were listed in the updated edition and given adequate scores by survey respondents. Astana placed 64th.

The centers in SCI’s rating are evaluated based on places that have a high-performing university sector across STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Energy Systems, Machine Learning) along with well-developed regulatory, commercial, and financial services.

The SCI was compiled using 138 quantitative measures provided by the World Bank, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations.

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