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  3. Alash Orda for Vogue: Kazakh Artist Wins International Contest in UK
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 October, 2022 | 09:29
1 min read

Alash Orda for Vogue: Kazakh Artist Wins International Contest in UK

The 16-year-old Kazakh artist's work depicts famous historical figures from the 20th century

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Aisha Sabyrzhankyzy
Aisha Sabyrzhankyzy

Sixteen-year-old Aisha Sabyrzhankyzy won first place in the Golden Time Talent contest in the UK, QazMonitor reports citing Tengri Lifestyle.

The Golden Time Talent is an international talent competition where participants of all ages around the world can advertise their skills in various forms of art. The aim is to promote the spirit of unity and world peace through art and culture.

In the category of digital art, Aisha presented a collection of drawings titled Alash Orda, where she depicts the Kazakh intellectual elites of the 20th century.

According to Aisha’s family, her work was judged by 58 jury members from 43 countries. The young artist was not only awarded first place but also included in the producer's catalogue of the most talented participants.

The portraits show Alash Orda representatives Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov and Myrzhakyp Dulatov on the cover of the fashion magazine Vogue wearing stylish three-piece suits and accessories.

The Alash Autonomy, commonly referred to as the Alash Orda, was a provisional Kazakh government that existed between 1917 and 1920. The party, led by Alikhan Bokeikhanov, advocated for the preservation of the Kazakh identity and ancestral lands.

Aisha says her art is mostly inspired by Kazakh history and culture. According to her mother, she has been interested in drawing since she was 5 years old, and by the age of 12 had already mastered drawing colorful landscapes and portraits.

The teenager shares her work on her personal Instagram page.

The 16-year-old artist already has more than 100 international diplomas, including those from Egypt, Bulgaria, Colombia and other countries. Aisha's favorite artist is Assol, a well-known graphic illustrator from Almaty.

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