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  3. February's First Weekend: Docushorts, Tea Tasting, Black-n-White Exhibition
Astana, Kazakhstan • 05 February, 2024 | 15:30
4 min read

February's First Weekend: Docushorts, Tea Tasting, Black-n-White Exhibition

February 2-4 in Astana, Almaty, Karagandy, and Pavlodar

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New weekend, new events to see and experience for all the busy folks. Astana will host a contemplative weekend for its residents, featuring movies, lectures, and exhibitions, each taking on a pensive mood perfect for introspection. Meanwhile, Almaty will host the study of fluidity, a dance performance, taking the audience on a personal journey into the exploration of family relationships. There’s more, the 'Women make docs' community will host screenings of five documentary works from Central Asia in Karagandy and Pavlodar, showcasing unique chronicles of life through these records.

Discover details in the digest by QazMonitor below.


Still from the movie
Still from the movie

Mariam (Мариам) screening with director Sharipa Urazbayeva and film critic Yevgeniy Lumpov

Mariam lives with her husband and four children in a remote village somewhere in the vast steppes. One day, her husband goes to the city and doesn’t return. Winter is approaching, and now Mariam has to push through for her and her children’s sake.

NOTE: The movie will be screened in Kazakh with Russian subtitles. Following the screening, the movie’s director, Sharipa Urazbayeva, along with film critic Yevgeniy Lumpov, will host an open discussion. To attend the event, please sign up using the contact information specified in the Instagram post by Vosmerka and Paramount Cinema.

Date: February 2, 7:30 p.m.

Address: Paramount cinema hall, Mukhamedkhanov Street 6

Entrance: ₸5,000 (as of February 1, 2024, $11.08)


"Harassment and its Prevention: How Can We Address It?" workshop by lawyer Ayazhan Oirat

Preventing harassment, especially gender-based, is a global issue. In the case of Kazakhstan, it requires a clear understanding of national legislation, which isn’t an easily achievable task. It’s not often clear where to even start. Lawyer Ayazhan Oirat aims to assist her audience by guiding them through hidden pitfalls, discussing effective measures against harassment, and exploring how each person can contribute to the cause.

NOTE: The workshop will be conducted in Kazakh. To attend the event, please sign up using the official form provided by the Human Rights Hub.

Date: February 3, 4:00 p.m.

Address: Human Rights Hub, Kenesary Street 8, 14th floor, offices 1405, 1407

Entrance: Free


"QARA NUKTE" exhibition by Saulet Zhanibek feat. Aliya Valeryevna, Rinat Abenov

An artist working with contrasting absolutes, choosing either black or white, Saulet Zhanibek aims to express the interconnection of our senses with the world that surrounds us. The exhibition will also showcase the works of art designer Aliya Valeryevna and sculptor Rinat Abenov.

Date: Until February 29

Address: Forte Kulanshi Art Space, Dostyq Street 8/1

Entrance: Free



Sri Lankan tea tasting

The island nation of Sri Lanka is home to seven terroirs, distinct ecosystems that impart unique characteristics to local plant life. A prime example of this is found in the island's tea leaves. Cultivated at varying altitudes and climate conditions, these leaves ‘absorb the essence’ of their surroundings. You may not know the names of each terroir—Kandy, Uva, or others—but the difference between them will become apparent once you savor their tea.

Date: February 2, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Iwine sommelier school, Dostyk Avenue 109, 2nd floor

Entrance: ₸10,000 ($22.16)

A Sheet Of Tissue Paper (Ein Bogen Seidenpapier) play by Erika Mitterer

It’s the 1950s, the post-War era in an ordinary Austrian family. The shadow of the past looms over them and the entire country. Caught between what was and what is now, each family member struggles to open up about their bottled-up feelings. Will they find the courage to confront their fears?

NOTE: The play will be staged in Russian.

Date: February 4, 5:00 p.m.

Address: Republican Academic German Drama Theater, Papanin Street 70/1

Entrance: ₸2,000 ($4.43)


"Hard Words" dance performance by Damir Smailov

Shappy remarks, thrown by fathers, leave their marks even if forgotten. In Damir Smailov’s performance, those words are manifested in one’s movement, sensed in the fluidity of motion, in its underlying negativity. Although a mark on the body cannot be erased, it can be transformed.

Date: February 4, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Transforma creative space and theater, Baribayev Street 36

Entrance: ₸10,000 ($22.16)

Pavlodar, Karagandy


Jetiqaraqshy docushorts screening

Five documentaries from five closely related but different countries. A chronicle of what it means to live in Central Asia – from Yulia Khvan’s introspective take on life as a Korean, or Koryoin, in Tashkent, to Intizor Otaniyozova’s documentation of how Uyghur women in Almaty are entrusted with the task of preserving their people’s cultural heritage.

The events will feature the following documentaries:

A.Kim (А. Ким, dir. Yulia Khvan, Uzbekistan)

Black Carriage (Чёрный вагон, dir. Adilet Karzhoev, the Kyrgyz Republic)

Friendship of Peoples (Дружба народов, dir. Intizor Otaniyozova, Kazakhstan)

Too Big (Слишком большой, dir, Abdullo Gurbati, Tajikistan)

something borrowed, something red (dir. Mayya Kelova, Turkmenistan)


Pavlodar – February 3, 1:00 p.m.

Karagandy – February 4, 4:00 p.m.

NOTE: To attend these events, please sign up using the official form provided by the organizers.


Pavlodar – American Corner, Toraigyrov Pavlodar Public Scientific Library, Academician Qanysh Satbayev Street 104, room 33

Karagandy – Altyn Gasyr gallery, Komissarov Street 35A

Entrance: Free

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