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  3. Six Events to Enjoy in Astana and Almaty, November 3-5
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 November, 2023 | 10:00
3 min read

Six Events to Enjoy in Astana and Almaty, November 3-5

Digital Autumn festival, Denis Ten Memorial Challenge, and vinyl listening experiences with Una Corda

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The Lovers II by Rene Magritte
The Lovers II by Rene Magritte

This weekend, the theme is art, with both Astana and Almaty offering unique experiences. In Astana, there will be a figure skating competition in memory of the late Denis Ten, celebrating the artistry of the sport. In Almaty, you can immerse yourself in the exploration of virtual worlds through eleven VR films, as well as slow down the hectic pace of life and savor the vinyl listening experience.

Check out this and more events in the digest by QazMonitor below.


Denis Ten Memorial Challenge 2023

In memory of the late Denis Ten, the annual challenge for senior and junior-level figure skating bids farewell to another year of competitions with a charity show featuring Marie-Pierre Leray and Shae-Lynn Bourne, along with the students of the Denis Ten Academy. As a little extra, attendees will also have the opportunity to see an icy runway spectacle presented by designers from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan.

Date: November 4, 7:30 p.m.

Address: Barys Arena, Turan Avenue 57

Entrance: ₸500–₸8,500

Astronomy by Frans Floris
Astronomy by Frans Floris

'Magic, Alchemy, and Astrology in the History of Art' lecture by Artur Chekh

Art scholar Artur Chekh will lead his audience on a captivating journey through the art of bygone eras, often characterized by depictions of incomprehensible plots and imagery—a reflection of the magical thinking prevalent at those times. These beliefs gave rise to a vast system of visual artistic means and practices conveying a multitude of themes.

NOTE: The lecture will be conducted in Russian.

Date: November 5, 5:00 p.m.

Address: BI University, Sarayshyq Street 7/7, 5th floor

Entrance: ₸11,000


The Lovers II by Rene Magritte
The Lovers II by Rene Magritte

Lectures on World Art by Akjibek Almaz

Explore the world of art with Akjibek Almaz, who will lead you through art movements from various corners of the globe. From the intricate styles of Islamic and Japanese art to the innovative expressions of Art Nouveau and Avant-garde at the turn of the century when the artists dared to break away from the mold of tradition and created the art language of today.

NOTE: The lectures will be conducted in Russian. Purchase tickets are available via the contact specified on the organizer's Instagram page.

Dates: November 3-5

November 3, 2:00 p.m. – Islamic art

November 3, 4:00 p.m. – Japanese art

November 4, 12:00 a.m. – Avant-garde art movement

November 4, 2:30 p.m. – World art history

November 5, 12:00 a.m. – Art Nouveau

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Microdistrict Koktem-3, 22/1

Entrance: ₸7,000–₸10,000


'Digital Autumn: Presence' festival

Imagine strolling through a vast mushroom forest, shrouded in a magical air. What about the sensation of having a digitized consciousness? These are just a taste of the eleven narrative VR journeys present at this year’s Digital Autumn, where attendees will have a chance to immerse themselves in the world of contemporary French art.

Date: until November 12

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Microdistrict Koktem-3, 22/1

Entrance: ₸1,500


Una Corda pop-up listening space

In today's digital age of Spotify, short videos, and truer than ever expression that ‘there is nothing as old as yesterday's news', we often find ourselves in a rush, leaving no time to savor our favorite albums in their entirety. The Una Corda project aims to slow down and offer a new experience of music listening, a space where audio aficionados can enjoy music on vinyl, attend lectures on the music industry, and local acoustic bands have their moment to shine.

Dates: November 3-17

NOTE: For the full program of the first week please refer to the official schedule.

Address: Almaty Gallery, Dostyk Avenue 44

Entrance: ₸1,000–₸5,000

by Michail Kim
by Michail Kim

Exhibition in celebration of Michael Kim's 100th anniversary

Reserved in expression and embodiment of ‘less is more’, Michael Kim’s works captured a period in our history when Soviet censorship loosened its grip, providing some breathing room for self-searching, resulting in the development of a distinctive Kazakh art language.

Date: until November 24

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Microdistrict Koktem-3, 22/1

Entrance: ₸200–₸500

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