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  3. Astana Opera to Captivate Tbilisi Audience with Kazakh and World Classics
Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 September, 2023 | 10:56
1 min read

Astana Opera to Captivate Tbilisi Audience with Kazakh and World Classics

'Steppe Motives in Tbilisi' set to grace the Rustaveli National Theatre on September 23

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Astana Opera
Astana Opera

Astana Opera is set to captivate the Georgian capital on September 23 with the ‘Steppe Motives in Tbilisi’ concert, treating the local audience to a repertoire that includes classical Kazakh operas, instrumental pieces, and renowned arias and ensembles from the works of world-famous composers, QazMonitor reports.

For the first time, the capital's soloists will grace the stage at the Rustaveli National Theatre in Georgia. As the Astana Opera theater extends its reach, the troupe integrates the works of local classics into their program as a means of introducing foreigners to Kazakhstan's rich culture.

Astana Opera
Astana Opera

The program will also feature a few surprises, according to the theater's deputy principal conductor, Abzal Mukhitdin. He noted that the fruitful collaboration between the theater and Georgian colleagues Manana Gunia and Alla Simonishvili will be highlighted by an exhibition of costumes from the Piccolo Theater project, displayed in the Rustaveli Theater's foyer.

"For many, it will be a surprise when our soloist performs an aria from a Georgian opera, accompanied by the sound of the dombra," adds Mukhitdin.

Astana Opera
Astana Opera

The lineup for the concert includes leading soloists from the theater and Honored Artists of Kazakhstan – Zhanat Shybykbayev, Saltanat Akhmetova, Aigul Niyazova, Medet Chotabayev, Meir Bainesh, Zhannat Bactay, and Azamat Zheltyrguzov, as well as laureates of international and domestic competitions Gulzhanat Sapakova, Yevgeniy Chaynikov, Tatiana Vitsinskaya, Yerzhan Saipov, and Arthur Gabdiyev.

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