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  3. Six Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty This Weekend, August 25-27
Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 August, 2023 | 15:54
3 min read

Six Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty This Weekend, August 25-27

Hiro concert, Korean folk songs performance, and Renata Kaminska exhibition

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As the upcoming weekend approaches, the major Kazakh cities are set to embrace a laid-back ambiance with a variety of activities. Astana is gearing up for Hiro's hip-hop vibes, while Almaty is preparing to host the Busan Metropolitan Traditional Orchestra gracing the stage with a collection of Korean folk songs. The southern metropolis is also set to host a couple of exhibitions, one of which features the works of the Polish-German contemporary artist, Renata Kaminska.

Check out these and more events in the digest by QazMonitor below.



Hiro concert

Bringing those chill vibes, that beat flow, and above all, bars that'll blow your mind – that's the essence of Hiro. So, get ready for an evening that’ll illuminate Astana’s nightlife with all new and old hits.

Date: August 25, 6:00 p.m.

Address: Festival Avenue nightclub, Dostyq Street 4


₸4,000 – women

₸6,000 – men


Fahreheit 451 play

Guy Montag works as a fireman, torching banned books for the government. Content with his place, he never questioned what he did for a living or what he wants in life. But one unassuming day his life goes awry, and bombarded with sudden realizations, he sneaks in one of the banned books.

NOTE: the play will be in Russian.

Date: August 26, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Sovremennik troupe at the Zhastar Theater, Iliyas Yesenberlin Street 10

Entrance: ₸2,000



Almaty Korean Theater and Busan Metropolitan Traditional Orchestra concert

Hailing from the distant Busan, the Metropolitan Traditional Orchestra joins forces with the Almaty Korean Theater for a mesmerizing medley of rhythmic Korean folk pieces, as well as an orchestral rendition of the ancient masterpiece – Arirang song. Said to have more than 3,600 variations, Arirang weaves a tale of love, sorrow, separation, and reunion.

Date: August 25, 6:00 p.m.

Address: Kurmangazy Kazakh Folk Instruments Orchestra, Abylay Khan Avenue 83

Entrance: Free

Renata Kaminska exhibition

Often exploring the concept of coloniality in her art pieces, Renata Kaminska worked with what is often considered 'invasive' plants for her Almaty exhibition. Utilizing thin veneer strips sourced from rare African relict trees, she incorporates social metaphors that allude to Kazakhstan's own decolonial discourse.

NOTE: Entry to the gallery is only by appointment on Saturdays and Sundays.


August 26, 2:00 p.m. – artist-talk with Renata Kaminska

September 17 – exhibition closure

Address: Egin Art Space, Nurmakov Street 79

Entrance: Free


Beyond the Canvas exhibition by Yeldos Aman

Guided by keen eyes and meticulous observations, Yeldos Aman embarks on a journey to capture the sensory experiences of his characters. Through the infusion of vibrant colors and visual metaphors, his artistic language weaves diverse imagery.

Date: until August 27

Address: Efes Kazakhstan, Efes Art Space, Microdistrict Keremet 3/1

Entrance: Free


Houseplants fair in the Botanical Garden

Attention, all plant aficionados! There’s an event for you at the Botanical Garden – a fair showcasing a vast collection of rare and exotic plants nurtured by the garden’s specialists to thrive in our country’s climate. Most importantly, these very experts will share all their secrets on taking care of our leafy companions.

Date: until September 9

Address: The greenhouse facility of Botanical Garden, Timiryazev Street 36D

Entrance: ₸503-₸850

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