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  3. Eight Events to Attend in Astana, Almaty, and Shymkent This Weekend
Astana, Kazakhstan • 18 August, 2023 | 16:54
4 min read

Eight Events to Attend in Astana, Almaty, and Shymkent This Weekend

Open house with 14 Kazakh tattoo artists, Kashiwa Daisuke concert, Paper Rhapsody exhibition

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This weekend, August 19-20, offers a dive into diverse art subcultures across the country and promises rich musical experiences. Astana invites you to an open house featuring fourteen tattoo artists, each boasting their distinct style. Almaty EDM enthusiasts will go on an auditory voyage with the Kashiwa Daisuke concert, while Shynkent invites you to delve deep into the intricacies of the human subconscious.

Check out this and more events in the list by QazMonitor below.


Unsplash; Instagram/grandeecheer
Unsplash; Instagram/grandeecheer

Walk-in Day: open house with fourteen tattoo artists

Get ready for a day full of ink, hues, and artistry, as fourteen tattoo artists from every corner of Kazakhstan will converge in one spectacle of skill. Each will bring their unique style to the table, their go-to technics, and without a doubt, their vibrant personalities.

If you're still on the fence about this event, here's the clincher – QazMonitor interviewed one of the ink masters, Saltanat Serikbek. Check out her works with the intricate ornamental designs that hone ages-long Kazakh craft into each creation.

Date: August 20, 2:00 p.m.

Address: Doffman club, Shara Zhienkulova Street 7/6


₸3,000 – entry fee

₸20,000 – tattoo price

Uncut Gems
Uncut Gems

'The second revolution of American cinema' lecture by Mikhail Nefedov

Delve into the world of contemporary American cinema's hidden currents with veteran cinephile Mikhail Nefedov as he unravels all the subtle cues signifying an unnoticed shift that transpired right under our noses. The lecture will be complemented by a screening of 'Uncut Gems' (dir. Safdie Brothers).

NOTE: the lecture will be in Russian. Registration for the event can be done via the organizer’s official page.

Date: August 20, 3:00 p.m.

Address: The Walls, Mangilik Yel Avenue 38

Entrance: ₸5,000



'Decoloniality and Retraditionalization' lecture by Zarina Mukanova

This Saturday, the audience will have to answer the question revolving around colonization as systemic violence and decolonization as its counter. In our context, this process often challenges the very concept of modernization and all of its advances, yet, as Zarina Mukanova stresses, the decolonial discourse shouldn't equate to restoring tradition and its restrictive patriarchal policies.

NOTE: The lecture will be conducted in Russian. During the open discussion segment, the audience can ask questions in Kazakh and English. You can register for the event via this form.

Date: August 19, 2:00 p.m.

Address: Egin art space, Nurmakov Street 79

Entrance: Free

The Garden of Words; Photo by Fujino Ray
The Garden of Words; Photo by Fujino Ray

Kashiwa Daisuke concert

Coming from Hiroshima, Kashiwa Daisuke weaves elements of neo-classical, EDM, and post-rock into an auditory journey where the sound itself seems to liquefy, enveloping the listener in an utterly distinctive and unparalleled experience.

Date: August 19, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Kazakh State Philarmonic named after Zhambyl, the intersection of Tole Bi Street 21 and Kaldaykov Street 35

Entrance: ₸10,000-₸20,000


Ozymandias play

Warped by a life unending, two men find themselves intertwined, meeting repeatedly throughout history. Their encounters delve into the depths of the ambiguous psychology that accompany immortal life, ultimately posing a question, ‘If you were given the devilish offer to live forever, would you accept it?’

NOTE: the play will be conducted in English with Russian subtitles.

Date: August 19-20, 7:00 p.m.

Address: DOM36, Baribayev Street 36

Entrance: ₸3,000-₸5,000

'Pearl of Kazakhstan: Aksai skete – the first abode of Holy Mother of God in Kazakhstan' art exhibition

Aksai Gorge's tranquil beauty offers both nature and cultural experiences, as this is the site of a monastery nestled within lush, overgrown greenery, against the backdrop of alpine meadows that extend into the cloud-covered mountains. This tranquil panorama has inspired fifteen paintings, each capturing the contemplative essence of the landscape.

Date: until August 25

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Microdistrict Koktem-3, 22/1

Entrance: ₸200-₸500


Almaty Peak exhibition

The upcoming seven-day exhibition will show archival photos dating all the way back to 1946, that chronicled the earliest moments of Almaty's mountaineering scene. Visitors will immerse themselves in the history and have the chance to meet living legends of mountaineering.


August 19, 6:00 p.m. – exhibition opening

August 19, August 24, 8:00 p.m. – comedic play ‘Where There Are Eagles and Wind in the Mountains’ (Где в горах орлы да ветер) by Sarym Kuderin

August 26, 6:00 p.m. – exhibition closure

NOTE: for the full program refer to the official schedule.

Address: DOM36, Baribayev Street 36

Entrance: Free



Paper Rhapsody collage exhibition by Dias Davesov

Originating in the pandemic and its homestays, this labor of love weaves together an intermingling of themes – personal, humorous, associative. Devoid of overt concreteness, Davesov's collages invite on a journey into the profound recesses of the subconscious.

Date: until September 9

Address: A.S. Pushkin City Public Library, Kazybek Bi Street 13A

Entrance: Free

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