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  3. Modern Nomadic Fine Dining: 7 Kazakh Haute Cuisine Restaurants
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 June, 2023 | 11:55
3 min read

Modern Nomadic Fine Dining: 7 Kazakh Haute Cuisine Restaurants

A guide to top restaurants to explore the culinary landscapes of Kazakh traditional cuisine

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Photo credit (Instagram): @sarqyt.qazaqstan (left), @auyl.almaty (right)
Photo credit (Instagram): @sarqyt.qazaqstan (left), @auyl.almaty (right)

Kazakh contemporary cuisine scene is experiencing quite a renaissance. It has got to a whole new level, introducing statement-making and convention-breaking dishes.

If you want to go beyond ‘baursaks & ayran’ starter pack, QazMonitor presents a course for Kazakhstan’s haute cuisine nomad-inducing restaurants and hottest kitchens for the most demanding gourmands.



It’s quite an immersive space, where every decorative fixture tells its story. The dishes that are cooked over an open fire and in tandoor add an authentic prairie-steppe touch to the culinary creations. Definitely a must-see place to enjoy savoring simmered lamb ribs with white cheese and date sauce with the view of the Ile Alatau landscapes.

Location: Almaty, Kerey Zhanibek Handar St, 568

Qazaq Gourmet


The restaurant encapsulates the authenticity of Kazakh haute cuisine, being a different take on traditional recipes. Qazaq Gourmet team believes that only local organic products combined with the state-of-the art technology can represent the true identity of national food.

Location: Astana, Mangilik Eli St 29



The concept of the restaurant is the subtle blend of history and traditional cuisine with a gourmet twist. Sandyq is a place where modern nomadic food meets antiquities – a part of their interior entourage. Get yourself enamored of Borsha et (veal cooked on stones), presented by a conjuring chef’s performance and served on a wooden plate, which, by the way, possesses healing qualities.

Locations: Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave 170/1

Turkistan, Bekzat Sattarkhanov Ave 14

Almaty, Abylai Khan Ave 55



Bozjyra vaulted into a neo-nomadic fine dining arena just two years ago, right off the bat becoming another great place to explore Kazakh traditional cuisine. The chef’s passion for national cuisine is reflected in numerous creative choices like Zhauzhurek [Undaunted – QM], which marries beef heart and lamb suet with ayran sauce and mashed pumpkin, and Balgyn Bauyr [Tender liver- QM] – a perfect blend of beef liver, salad, and beans.

Locations: Aktau, microdistrict 11, building 1/4

Shymkent, Konayev St 83a


Tarih aims to expand Kazakh modern gastronomy, revive lost recipes and present a modern take on traditional dishes.

The restaurant has a jaw-dropping dessert list – every serving screams ‘art’. It’s a pure gastronomic riot (in the best way possible).

Location: Almaty, Abylai Khan Ave 104



Sarqyt was designed for Kazakh traditional food devotees who are ready to embark on a neo-nomadic gourmet adventure. The densely decorated restaurant-museum has a signature mix of Western Kazakhstan traditions inspired recipes and fine dining principles. Every conjured piece of art like Caspi (sturgeon filet with cream sauce and broccoli) or Atyrau Balyk Sybaga (sturgeon beshbarmak) is delightful to look at as it is to eat.

Locations: Atyrau, Abulkhair khan Ave 52A

Aktobe, Kulmanov St 117A


Tary is not just a regular cafe so much as an ethno-cafe that adds new aesthetics to the tea culture. It’s known for its roasted millet tea, which is widely known among steppe-dwellers since the earliest times. For those who look for traditional coffee substitution, Tary offers a good alternative made from hawthorn berries as well as millet-flavored coffee drinks.

Locations: Astana, Syganak St 17F

Astana, Mangilik Eli St 41/1

Astana, Uly Dala Ave 41B

Almaty, Abylai Khan Ave 55

Shymkent, Baiseitova St 4

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