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  3. 6 Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty, May 19-21
Astana, Kazakhstan • 22 May, 2023 | 12:57
3 min read

6 Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty, May 19-21

'Mamma mia!' in Kazakh, Yhyaq ethnic festival, and Qyz Quu plastic play

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Il Silenzio
Il Silenzio

Events in Astana and Almaty this weekend are all about music, art, and centuries-long traditions. The most prominent event in the capital is the first-ever production of the famous musical "Mamma Mia!" in Kazakh. Meanwhile, Almaty is getting ready to host the Sakha people's New Year festival, as well as a play raising the issues of gender equality and women’s rights.

Check out this and more in the list by QazMonitor below.



Three Sisters (세자매, dir. Lee Seung-Won, 2020) screening

Living their separate lives, the three sisters have to get together on their abusive father’s birthday, unveiling the inner turmoil each is enduring, where behind the facade of normalcy hide the lives of three different families in shambles.

NOTE: the movie will be screened in Korean with English subtitles.

Date: May 19, 4:00 p.m.

Address: Korean Cultural Center, Imanov Street 13

Entrance: Free

Astana Philharmonic
Astana Philharmonic

Ainamkoz concert by Aigul Kossanova

A representative of the Kazakh vocal school, Kossanova brings with her the traditions of the terme melodic speech. She will captivate the audience with the works of her fellow countryman, the 19th-century songwriter from Western Kazakhstan Mukhit Meraliyev, along with those of the king of the Kazakh waltz, Shamshi Kaldayakov, complemented by a medley of folk songs.

Date: May 19, 5:00 p.m.

Address: Astana Concert Hall, Kenesary Street 32

Entrance: ₸3,000-₸5,000


"Mamma Mia!" musical in Kazakh

A young girl Sophie dreams of her wedding day when her father would give her hand away at the altar. The problem is – she doesn’t know who he is, and the wedding is just around the corner. So, she brings three men from her mother's past back into her life in hopes to make the dream come true.

NOTE: the musical is staged in Kazakh for the first time.

Date: May 21, 6:00 p.m.

Address: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Qazhymuqan Munaytpasov Street 11

Entrance: ₸3,000-₸7,000


Lee-Fu Victor
Lee-Fu Victor

Yhyaq ethnic festival

Native to a harsh land, the Turkic people of Sakha celebrate Nature’s awakening during the Yhyaq. During the festival, residents of Almaty will be able to immerse themselves in the vibrant Sakha culture expressed in traditional art and music, sports competitions, and an ancient shamanic rite.

NOTE: the festival will be held in Kazakh and Sakha. Entrance for visitors under the age of eighteen is free.

Date: May 20

Address: Arial golf course, Al-Farabi Avenue 142A

Entrance: ₸4,000

Il Silenzio
Il Silenzio

Qyz Quu plastic play

The Il Silenzio troupe embarks on a performative journey exploring a story of a bride kidnapped and forced into marriage. Based on real stories of non-consensual bride kidnapping, the eye-opening play raises the question, "What if our lives have changed, but the rules we used to live by didn't?"

Date: May 20, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Ihlas Museum of Folk Musical Instruments, Zenkov Street 24A

Entrance: ₸3,000-₸5,000

Esentai Gallery
Esentai Gallery

Sustainability art exhibition

Tracing its roots back to the 60s, sustainability art is created in an environmentally friendly way, aiming to draw attention to global ecological challenges. The Esentai Gallery is preparing to exhibit upcycled art from one of Almaty’s schools, and host an art auction on May 20, where you will have the opportunity to purchase your favorite works.

NOTE: the proceeds will go to support the Recycle Birge ecological initiative.

Date: until May 20

Address: Esentai Gallery, Al-Farabi Avenue 77

Entrance: Free

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