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  3. Legendary Musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ to Premiere in Kazakh for the First Time
Astana, Kazakhstan • 16 May, 2023 | 16:24
1 min read

Legendary Musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ to Premiere in Kazakh for the First Time

Two shows in Astana promise to give a fresh take on classic ABBA hits

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‘Mamma Mia!’ musical based on songs by ABBA will premiere for the first time in Kazakh on May 21 and 22 in Astana, QazMonitor reports.

Soloists of the vocal group "E-Studio" and the dance ensemble "Samruk" are cast for leading roles in the musical. Both collectives work on the basis of the Eurasian National University under the direction of Ganibet Mukhtarov. As for the accompaniment, Beverly Band promises to deliver a solid live performance of the ABBA classics translated into Kazakh by Ganibet Mukhtarov.

The event is organized by Performing Arts KZ creative association and the Eurasian National University. The director of the production is Ilyas Danyarov, who is well-known to the local audience for staging such musicals as Wicked, Chicago, Beauty and the Beast, and many others.

Premiere shows will be held on May 21 at 18:00, and May 22 at 17:00 at Kazhymukan 11 (educational-laboratory building of the Eurasian National University).

The tickets can be purchased from Performing Arts KZ Instagram account and Ticketon.

Performing Arts KZ association hosts various creative events and performances in Russian, Kazakh, and English, bringing together residents and guests of different ages and nationalities, including foreign audiences residing in the capital, as well as representatives of the embassies of France, the Netherlands, the US, and Austria.

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