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  3. Kazakh Ministry of Information Plans to Distribute Local Content on Netflix
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 April, 2023 | 14:26
1 min read

Kazakh Ministry of Information Plans to Distribute Local Content on Netflix

The ministry notes growing demand for Kazakh series abroad

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The ministry of information and social development plans to distribute and promote Kazakh dramas on the American streaming service Netflix, QazMonitor reports.

In a Facebook post, Minister of Information Darkhan Kydyrali wrote about his meeting with Alexander Long, Netflix's director of government relations for Europe, Middle East, and Africa. The parties discussed creation of joint projects and the establishment of further relations.

“I spoke with Mr. Long about the production of domestic shows, which have significantly improved in quality in recent years. There is now a growing demand for domestic [Kazakhstan-made] series and content, which is also being sold to neighboring countries and beyond,” said Kydyrali.

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