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  3. Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty, April 8-9
Astana, Kazakhstan • 10 April, 2023 | 20:38
2 min read

Events to Attend in Astana and Almaty, April 8-9

Soothing piano concert, Garage Fest, and Artdocfest/Asia

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This upcoming weekend, Astana and Almaty will give a welcome break from the busy city life. Astana will celebrate the first truly warm days of Spring with a soothing evening of piano music and a local fair showcasing various products, while Almaty will host a nine-day documentary festival, delving into the obscure aspects of human life.

This and more in the full list by QazMonitor below.



Joe Kirby piano concert

Kirby's music draws from the natural ambiance of oceans and space, with piano overtones painting a soothing and relaxing soundscape that offers a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Date: April 8, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Kazakh National University of Arts, Tauelsizdik Avenue 50


Date: April 9, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Qurmangazy Orkestri, Abylai Khan Ave 83

Entrance: ₸9,000-₸17,000


Garage Fest

Spring has finally arrived and so has the Garage Fest, a fair that brings together different generations. This event features young entrepreneurs, older craftsmen, and animal rights activists, showcasing a wide range of unique products such as jewelry, decorative items, handmade chocolates, and more.

Part of the proceeds will go to support low-income families and people with disabilities in Kazakhstan, and to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Date: April 8-9

Address: Keruen mall, Dostyq Street 9

Entrance: Free

Astana Ballet
Astana Ballet

Costard dance performance

This year’s Francophone Spring will feature Costard, a choreographic play that explores the impact of appearance on our perception of self and others. Combining powerful hip-hop moves and fluid-like motion, the dancers create a unique body language on stage.

Date: April 9, 6:00 p.m.

Address: Astana Balet, Uly Dala Avenue 9

Entrance: ₸5,000-₸15,000


Lecture about "The perfect city: concepts and ideas in world art"

Leonardo da Vinci once conceived the idea of a city free of crime and injustice, and in pursuit of this dream, he, and numerous visionaries before and after him, came up with countless visions of the future. This lecture will dive into the intricacies of urban design and the experience of living in utopian cities envisioned by the great masters.

NOTE: the lecture will be in Russian.

Date: April 9,11:00 a.m.

Address: Aurora Space, Zhambyl Street 55/57

Entrance: ₸5,000

Artdocfest/Asia documentary festival

This weekend marks the start of the Artdocfest/Asia documentary festival, a nine-day event that will bring twenty-two documentary movies to Almaty residents, along with guest lectures and workshops from European filmmakers. Each movie presents a chronicle of unfiltered everyday life in its true colors.

NOTE: the movies will be in Russian.

Date: April 8-15

Address: Bunker Independent Experimental Theater, Dosmukhamedov Street 78A

Entrance: ₸2,500

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