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  3. Events to Attend in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent, January 27-29
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 January, 2023 | 11:31
2 min read

Events to Attend in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent, January 27-29

Korean blockbuster screening, a lecture on MoMA and a guitar crash course

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Looks like it’s going to be a quiet weekend in the “big three”. For January 27-29, Astana and Almaty will hold movie screenings and talks about art, while Shymkent will have a guitar crash course. See what else is in store in the full list by QazMonitor.


A still from the movie
A still from the movie

Mission: Possible (dir. Kim Hyung-joo, 2021) screening

After the Chinese intelligence receives a tip-off about an illegal shipment of firearms from China to Korea, a rookie officer is sent on a chase after the smugglers. She is assigned to meet a Korean operative as her first mission, but things go awry when she mistakes a local private detective for her mark.

NOTE: the movie will be in Korean with English subtitles.

Date: January 27, 4:00 p.m.

Address: Korean Cultural Center, Imanov Street 13


A collage from the movie
A collage from the movie

Night on Earth (dir. Jim Jarmusch, 1991) screening

Night on Earth is a series of short stories, each occurring on the same night but in different cities around the world. Each vignette involves a cab driver with a set of passengers and explores their temporary bond.

Date: January 27, 6:45 p.m.

Address: Ne sanatoriy art space, Luganskiy Street 54

Artist Talk with photographer and filmmaker Dmitry Lookianov

Dmitry Lookianov is an artist who specializes in multiple genres. The majority of his works, especially photo projects, depict the minutiae of life in city as cold and sterile, inspiring us to question our own attitude toward reality.

NOTE: registration for the event through the Instagram account @cauchemar_idea is required

Date: January 27, 7:00 p.m.

Address: Atelier Cauchemar, Gogol Street 40


A lecture on MoMA

The Museum of Modern Art in New York is one of the largest and most influential venues for contemporary art in the world. In many ways, it shaped our idea of what art could be, and to this day the museum exhibits a large display, such as Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night and Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans.

Date: January 28, 2:00 p.m.

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Koktem-3 microdistrict, 22/1

Entrance: ₸200-₸500

100 masterpieces exhibition

In the nearly ninety years since its founding, Kasteyev’s museum has gathered a unique collection showcasing various periods of Kazakh academic art. Get acquainted with the works of legends Nikolay Khludov and Abylkhan Kasteyev and upcoming names like Andrey Noda and Bakhyt Bapishev.

Date: until March 14

Address: Abylkhan Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Koktem-3 microdistrict, 22/1

Entrance: ₸200-₸500



Guitar crash course

Want to play the guitar but don’t know where to start? GROOVE music school invites all those who are interested to an introductory course that will teach you the basics and serve as a stepping stone to a lifelong hobby.

Date: January 29, 4:00 p.m.

Address: SalemHub cafe, Chekhov Street 7

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