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  3. How did Astana and Almaty Rank on Global Financial Centers Index?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 September, 2022 | 10:57
1 min read

How did Astana and Almaty Rank on Global Financial Centers Index?

Kazakhstan’s capital is the leader in the CIS region

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In the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) review by consulting company Z/Yen Group, Astana rose to 66th place in the list of the world's largest financial centers, QazMonitor reports.

The financial center’s index was first published in 2007. GFCI is updated every six months and its latest ranking was based on a survey of more than 11,900 respondents from 119 cities.

According to the index, two Kazakh cities were reviewed in the financial rating. Astana was given an additional 45 points during the year and scored 621, rising by 8 positions to 66th place in the overall rating, while Almaty dropped to 89th place with 598 points.

In comparison, the previous leader among the financial centers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Moscow dropped down from 51st to 73rd place. Now, Astana’s closest competitors in the region are Prague, the Czech Republic at 61st place, and Warsaw, Poland at 62nd.

The first place is once again taken by New York, which overtook London in the ranking four years ago and has not given up the lead since. The third place is taken by Singapore, which has moved Hong Kong to fourth place. Fifth place goes to San Francisco, sixth to Shanghai, seventh to Los Angeles, eighth to Beijing, and ninth to Shenzhen with Paris closing off the top ten.

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