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  3. Major Turkish Conglomerate Considers Investing in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 09 October, 2023 | 09:46
1 min read

Major Turkish Conglomerate Considers Investing in Kazakhstan

Eren Holding is considering projects in paper production, metallurgy, energy, textile, and mining industries

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The Turkish conglomerate Eren Holding iis considering projects in paper production, metallurgy, energy, textile, and mining industries, QazMonitor reports citing

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov discussed the prospects of potential investments with Ahmet Eren, the CEO of Eren Holding. He highlighted that Kazakhstan currently hosts over 4,000 companies with Turkish capital operating in various sectors, including the mining and metallurgical complex, infrastructure, food industry, and pharmaceuticals.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister pointed out that projects in priority sectors benefit from exemptions from customs duties, various tax incentives, guarantees of tax legislation stability, and more.

In turn, Eren presented the holding's pool of potential investment projects in Kazakhstan.

"We plan to expand and explore new investment opportunities. These areas may include paper production, energy, and the textile industry. We are also willing to invest in the mining and metallurgical complex, utilizing technologies that ensure high-quality production. In this regard, we would like to jointly address investment matters," said the CEO of Eren Holding.

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