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  3. TVs and Washing Machines: Production in Karagandy Region to Launch in December
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 October, 2023 | 16:03
2 min read

TVs and Washing Machines: Production in Karagandy Region to Launch in December

The Ministry of Industry has listed key projects for 2023

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Artel Electronics
Artel Electronics

On October 2, Minister of Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev reported on developments in the domestic manufacturing industry at the government meeting in Astana, QazMonitor reports.

The Minister highlighted the planned launch of Silk Road Electronics household appliances by December this year. The facility located in the Karagandy region will manufacture various products under the Artel brand, including TVs, electric water heaters, vacuum cleaners, stoves, mini ovens, kitchen hoods, and semi-automatic washing machines. This joint Kazakh-Uzbek project will generate around 530 new jobs and is set to produce up to 1.1 million products each year.

Towards the end of the year, a new modern coke production facility is planned for commission, producing 400,000 tons of semi-coke annually and creating 261 new jobs. The ministry plans to export the facility’s produce in the future.

Additionally, by the end of this year, the ministry will partner with the German industrial solutions company Reimann to start making trailed equipment. This production is expected to have a capacity of 150 units per year and will generate 75 new jobs. During the same period, Saryopan Operating intends to begin producing high-quality lime at the Saryopan deposit in the Karagandy region. The company aims to produce 300,000 tons of lime each year and generate 105 new jobs.

In the Kostanay region, SaryarkaAvtoprom has plans to commence the semi-knock-down production of Chevrolet Onix. The facility is expected to produce 30,000 cars per year, meeting domestic demand and creating 400 jobs.

Kanat Sharlapayev, Minister of Industry and Construction

Regarding projects that have already been implemented, the Minister emphasized Diamond Ceramics' expansion in producing ceramic tiles. Since September this year, their facility now has the capacity to produce 3.5 million square meters of ceramic tiles annually, which covers 10% of the country's imports. This expansion has led to the creation of 226 permanent jobs.

In August, the ERG Group put into operation the TNK Kazchrome sludge processing enterprise in the Aktobe region. The project has created 271 new jobs and is expected to have a processing capacity of 400,000 tons of sludge per year.

"In May, the Kazakhstan Petroleum Equipment Manufacturing Plant launched the production of mobile drilling rigs in the Aktobe region with a capacity of 25 units per year, creating 150 new jobs," added Sharlapayev.

Moreover, Bolashak Electric is working on starting the production of closed high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers in Astana by the end of this year. The plan is to make 78,000 units per year and generate 116 new jobs.

Regiowide, the largest number of projects are launched in the capital (17 projects), the Turkistan (16 projects) and North Kazakhstan regions (15 projects).

The regions leading in terms of investment are the Karagandy region with ₸235 billion, Pavlodar region with ₸125.8 billion, and Almaty region with ₸111.5 billion tenge. Moreover, the West Kazakhstan region had the highest number of projects, with 9, and both the Mangystau and Turkistan regions had 7 each. However, in four regions—Atyrau, Ulytau, Abay, and Almaty—no projects were launched.

Kanat Sharlapayev, Minister of Industry and Construction
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