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  3. EIB Plans to Invest in Kazakhstan's Energy and Green Finance Projects
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 March, 2023 | 15:41
1 min read

EIB Plans to Invest in Kazakhstan's Energy and Green Finance Projects

Finance ministry and European partners discussed potential project funding

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H.D. Falkenstein/imageBROKER
H.D. Falkenstein/imageBROKER

The ministry of finance of Kazakhstan discussed with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) the issues of financing projects in the field of energy, green finance, and household energy efficiency, QazMonitor reports.

Dauren Kenbeil, the vice-minister of finance, told the European partners about potential funding mechanisms for the Eastern Neighborhood and Central Asia program. He has also drawn their attention to the issues of financing EIB projects in the national currency.

Kenbeil stressed that the country attaches great importance to cooperation with both institutions, focusing on strengthening strategic partnerships to implement new projects.

The EIB is the European Union's development bank, operating in areas such as climate change mitigation, the environment, small and medium-sized enterprises, development and infrastructure. It’s one of the world’s largest supranational lenders.

The GIZ is Germany's main development agency for international development cooperation and international educational activities.

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