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  3. Astana High Schoolers Receive $550,000 Grant from Microsoft for Startups
Astana, Kazakhstan • 10 March, 2023 | 17:24
1 min read

Astana High Schoolers Receive $550,000 Grant from Microsoft for Startups

They plan on using the money to develop their AI project

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Students of the Republican School of Physics and Mathematics Arsen Kylyshbek and Vladimir Borzenkov received a $550,000 grant from Microsoft for Startups for their AI startup project, QazMonitor reports.

Microsoft for Startups is an inclusive program to support software entrepreneurs and start-ups. It provides perks and credits to entrepreneurs, allowing them free access to the technology, tools, and resources they need to establish and manage their companies.

Kylyshbek and Borzenkov set up their startup just a few months ago.

"Whoock is a website generator and editor that is capable of developing a full-fledged service for a client based on text messages,” the boys explained.

The project allows users to generate a functioning website in a minute and a half by communicating their requests with AI. According to the pair, their product is for clients who are at the early stage of building their businesses and need to quickly create a pilot website.

The first version of Whoock will be released next week, the students revealed. After the beta is launched, they plan to increase the service's capabilities to develop web applications.

"Anyone will have free access to their platform and will be able to use it as much as they want."

The duo is planning to spend the grant money on further developing their project.

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