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  3. Kazakhstan's Flight Safety Higher Than Global Average
Astana, Kazakhstan • 19 May, 2022 | 10:45
1 min read

Kazakhstan's Flight Safety Higher Than Global Average

EU Committee commends Kazakhstan at a meeting in Brussels

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On May 17, a session of the European Union's Committee on Flight Safety with the participation of the leaders of aviation authorities of the 27 EU member states was held in Brussels, Kazinform reports. The committee heard a report from Kazakhstan on the situation in the civil aviation industry and flight safety.

On flight safety

The Kazakh delegation included Talgat Lastayev, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Azat Bekturov, Advisor of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Katalin Radu, General Director of JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan", representatives of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Belgium and "Air Astana" airlines.

They reported on the progress and measures taken by Kazakhstan in the field of flight safety and informed about the independent audit by the auditors of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) under the ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM), in which Kazakhstan improved its safety performance from 74% to 84%, which is 15% higher than the global average.

Members of the EU Safety Committee commended the results achieved by Kazakhstan and welcomed the efforts of Kazakhstan to improve the level of flight safety. It should be noted that at present there are no restrictions for Kazakh airlines to fly to European countries.

The official assessment of the current situation on flight safety in Kazakhstan will be published by the European Union in early June this year.

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