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  3. Kolsai Lakes National Park Revamps Before Tourist Season
Astana, Kazakhstan • 19 April, 2022 | 09:16
1 min read

Kolsai Lakes National Park Revamps Before Tourist Season

Lake Kaindy to get a power line, security and other protective measures

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To prepare for the influx of tourists, Kolsai Kolderi National Park will launch an online sale of entrance tickets, build a power line to Lake Kaindy, and install new cameras.

Protective measures

According to the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kolsai Kolderi will be the first national park in Kazakhstan to sell tickets online.

The Ministry of Ecology together with the General Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court, and other interested state bodies are working on the issue of increasing the fines and criminal responsibility of officials, individuals, and legal entities. 

Surveillance cameras are installed at checkpoints, parking lots, and on the territory of the Kolsai Gorge to prevent violations and vandalism.

Other protective measures including prohibitive signs and barricade tapes have been installed in the park since the beginning of the winter period.  Inspection staff and additional security personnel will be operating on a strict regime during the holidays.

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