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  3. Egypt Postpones Minimum Price Hike in Hotels
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 April, 2022 | 12:24
1 min read

Egypt Postpones Minimum Price Hike in Hotels

Kazakhstani tourists can still enjoy cheaper prices before November

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The Government of Egypt has postponed the introduction of new minimum prices in hotels for six months. Earlier it was planned that the measure should come into force from May 1, Tengritravel reports.

Getting back the inflow

The cabinet of ministers supported the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism due to the decrease in entry flow, including the Russian tourists. The rates will be kept at least until November 1.

Previously, it was assumed that the price regulation would apply to one-, two- and three-star accommodations [previously, these rules applied only to accommodations of a higher category]. It was proposed to raise the minimum accommodation prices in five-star hotels by 25 percent, and the prices in four-star hotels were to increase by 42 percent.

That is, according to the new rules that will be postponed until November, 5-star hotels have no right to sell accommodations below $50 (22,800 tenge) per day per person, 4-star hotels - below $40 (18,240 tenge), 3-star hotels - below $30 (13,680 tenge), 2-star hotels - below $20 (9,120 tenge), 1-star hotels - below $10 (4560 tenge).

Until November, the minimum fee per person for one night in five-star hotels will be kept at $40 (18,240 tenge), and at $28 (12,768 tenge) in four-star hotels.

Egyptian authorities explain the installation of minimum prices in hotels as the need to improve the quality of services for tourists. Now the country is undergoing a revaluation of hotels in accordance with the new classification standards "Hospitality Criteria", which were developed together with the World Tourism Organization. Their main task is to "bring" the classification of Egyptian hotels to the level of international counterparts.

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