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  3. Do Kazakh Travelers Need Vaccination Passports to Enter Thailand?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 January, 2023 | 17:13
1 min read

Do Kazakh Travelers Need Vaccination Passports to Enter Thailand?

Air Astana issued a statement

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According to the information issued by the Thai authorities, citizens flying from Kazakhstan to Thailand are no longer required to have a Covid-19 vaccination passport, QazMonitor reports citing Air Astana.

Passengers who do not have proof of vaccination or medical documents must report to the airport medical post upon arrival to fill out a health declaration. Only symptomatic passengers are tested for the antigen, the airline explained.

It was previously reported that the Thai government introduced a policy requiring visitors to show proof of vaccination against coronavirus. The requirements would have taken effect on January 9, 2023, and would have required all passengers over the age of 18 arriving in the country to provide a vaccination certificate.

The regulation would have required a full course of vaccination of at least two doses. In addition, the second component of the vaccine would have to be received at least 14 days before entry into the country. On arrival, a random selection of 5% of passengers would have been required to take a PCR test.

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