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Astana, Kazakhstan • 28 November, 2022 | 16:11
1 min read

U.S. May Ease Visa Requirements for Kazakh Citizens

The focus is on reducing the wait time for visa issuance, says U.S. Ambassador


The U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan intends to simplify the issuance of visas for Kazakh citizens by canceling the interview procedure for non-immigrant visas, QazMonitor reports citing Tengrinews.

In a press briefing with journalists, U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum explained how the rules and regulations for visas might change.

According to Ambassador Rosenblum, there is no proposal to extend the duration of the visa with multiple entries as of yet. He expressed that the U.S. encourages mutual travel opportunities for Kazakhs and Americans in order to foster friendly relations between the countries. 

At the moment, the focus is on reducing the wait time for receiving a visa, Rosenblum said. The second issue is allowing people to skip interviews for non-immigrant visa applications.

At the same time, the ambassador noted that the United States is taking careful measures in its visa issuance policies to ensure law abidance.

He noted that there have been frequent cases where people have gone on tourist visas and stayed to work there or have stayed longer than their visa term. That is why U.S. consuls will often ask very difficult questions to make sure people will act according to the law, he concluded.

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