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  3. Estonian Athlete Performs Jaw-dropping Stunt Across Kazakhstan’s Sugar Castles
Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 November, 2022 | 09:35
1 min read

Estonian Athlete Performs Jaw-dropping Stunt Across Kazakhstan’s Sugar Castles

Jaan Roose walked 500 meters on a tight rope in extreme heat and wind

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Victor Magdeyev/Red Bull Content Pool
Victor Magdeyev/Red Bull Content Pool

A video of Estonian slackliner Jaan Roose leaves viewers breathless as the daredevil walked a half-kilometer tightrope 200 meters above the scenic Bozzhyra tract in Mangistau, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Roose, who is a professional stuntman and holder of numerous records around the world, said that the Bozzhyra tract struck him as a place of ethereal beauty and that he was amazed at the fact that the area was once submerged under the waves of the ancient ocean of Tethys.

Victor Magdeyev/Red Bull Content Pool
Victor Magdeyev/Red Bull Content Pool

He and his film crew stayed at the site for five days to perform the stunt – walking on the tightrope hanging between two “sugar castles”.

“Bozzhyra was a challenge for me. It's one of my most challenging, but also one of my most beautiful projects,” the stuntman shared.

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