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  3. Apple Features Two Kazakh Photographers on Brand’s Instagram Page
Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 April, 2023 | 12:22
1 min read

Apple Features Two Kazakh Photographers on Brand’s Instagram Page

Manat Karinov and Darkhan Zhagiparov impressed social media users with dazzling mobile photography

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Instagram: @m1dwaaay (left), @manamontano (right)
Instagram: @m1dwaaay (left), @manamontano (right)

Apple has recently featured works of Kazakh photographers on their official Instagram page, QazMonitor reports.

Hypnotizing photos by Darkhan Zhagiparov and urban-style portraits taken by Manat Karinov have been chosen by the tech brand as part of their Shot on iPhone social media campaign, where Apple gives shoutouts to professionals all over the globe.

For Zhagiparov, this is the fourth time he gets a repost from the brand. The latest feature was given for his participation in the late-night photography challenge using the latest model of the phone.

“I took this photograph in the spur of the moment with the help of the glass from the chandelier. Happy to be featured on Apple,” Darkhan says. The portrait was shot at the National Museum in Astana.

Zhagiparov is well-known among Kazakh photo enthusiasts for his 1,000 Portraits of Strangers series, where he does creative photoshoots of random people he meets in the streets of Astana.

As for Karinov, the post by Apple became his debut feature on the brand’s page. “In these photos, the angle, the emotions, and light all came together in one moment,” commented the Almaty-based photographer in the feature post.

Instagram users from Kazakhstan immediately invaded the comment section under the posts, giving unanimous support to Darkhan and Manat.

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