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  3. Kazakh Army Sergeant Sets Record After Running Non-Stop for 2 Days
Astana, Kazakhstan • 28 October, 2022 | 10:43
1 min read

Kazakh Army Sergeant Sets Record After Running Non-Stop for 2 Days

He dedicated his run to Republic Day

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Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan

Rauan Abylkhanov, a third sergeant at the Military Institute of the Kazakh Ground Forces, ran 350 kilometers for two days without stopping and made it into the Book of Records of Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Defense Ministry.

Abylkhanov started the 350km run at the Ali Training Center on October 24 and finished in the Shelek village of Almaty Oblast on October 26. He dedicated his achievement to Republic Day.

The distance was completed in 47 hours and 23 minutes.

The runner was met at the finish line by the institute's command, fellow soldiers, family, and friends.

"Thanks to his perseverance and will to win, he was able to reach his goal. Rauan is a real warrior," said First Deputy Head of the Army Institute of the Military Corps Lieutenant-Colonel Zhanibek Sargazin.

Representatives of the Book of Records of Kazakhstan presented him with a certificate, and friends bought Abylkhanov's family a car as a congratulatory gift.

"My victory is the victory of all my fellow servicemen, relatives, and friends. They believed in me, and I couldn't let them down," shared the sergeant.

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