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  3. Kazakh Schoolchildren Win FIRST Global Challenge 2022 Robotics Competition
Astana, Kazakhstan • 19 October, 2022 | 14:11
1 min read

Kazakh Schoolchildren Win FIRST Global Challenge 2022 Robotics Competition

Robots from 167 countries competed in tasks simulating Earth’s greatest challenges

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Kazakh schoolchildren took first place in three categories at the international robotics competition FIRST Global Challenge 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Education.

FIRST Global Challenge is an Olympics-style robotics competition that invites teams from all over the world to compete and collaborate in the creation of a robot that will solve tasks concerning Earth’s greatest challenges. The tasks include the 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering, such as providing energy from fusion, developing health informatics and personalizing learning among others. The event’s goal is to promote STEM education and cooperation among the youth.

Competing at the event with peers from 167 countries, Kazakhstan’s team won the Global Challenge Award without a single defeat and even managed to set the Award's record for scoring the most points.

The team earned Al-Khwarizmi’s gold medal for being an Outstanding Supporter of other teams and was also recognized for their engineering solutions and internal dynamics, earning them a third gold medal in the Judges Award category.

Kazakhstan was represented by five students between the ages of 15 to 17. Participation in competitions like these creates opportunities for the team’s members to enroll in the world's leading universities.

The captain of the team Yerasyl Abylkasym thanked the teachers and his classmates for their support. He talked about the difficulties the team had to overcome and mentioned the rigorous training by the team’s coaches Bekzat Inkarov and Kazhymukan Reimbayev.

“The problem of global warming was the theme of this year’s Olympics. According to the rules, each team has to assemble a robot that picks up ball-shaped carbon dioxide. The robot then must transport the package to a special basket, while doing a variety of movements,” said Abylkasym.

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