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Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 October, 2022 | 21:22
1 min read

Which Kazakh City Has the Cleanest Air?

The national hydrometeorological service released the latest weekly report on air quality

Kazakhstan Travel
Kazakhstan Travel

KazHydroMet named the cities with the cleanest and dirtiest air in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports.

Air samples for the period of September 27 to October 3 were studied. According to forecasters, Shymkent and Aktobe had zero cases of exceeding the MPC (maximum permissible one-time concentration) of air pollutants, making them cities with the best air quality.

Kyzylorda and Balkhash’s air was nearly as clean as the top two with just two cases.

On the other hand, residents of Astana breathed the dirtiest air, with 1,318 registered cases of exceeding MPC of pollutants. The area with the highest cases was Babatayuly street.

Karagandy has the second dirtiest with 521 instances, three times less than the capital city. Almaty had the third dirtiest air with 123 cases, mostly around the Turksib district.

No cases of extremely high pollution (over 20 MPC) were recorded.

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