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  3. Kazakhstan May Raise Age Limit for Youth to 35
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 October, 2022 | 14:45
1 min read

Kazakhstan May Raise Age Limit for Youth to 35

Kazakh MPs draft bill on amendments to the youth policy

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Kazakh deputies proposed to raise the age limit of youth to 35 years old during a plenary session chaired by House Speaker Yerlan Koshanov, QazMonitor reports citing Central Communications Service.

The proposal came up during the drafting of a bill to approve amendments to the Health Code and the Law on State Youth Policy.

If the idea is approved, the number of young citizens in Kazakhstan will increase up to 6.2 million people. This will mean more citizens in the youth workforce.

The matter of supporting and training young professionals as well as developing social welfare for young citizens had been the prime topic of discussion for a while - and the primary focus of the new bill.

On the issue of support for youth employment, the Minister of Information Darkhan Kydyrali spoke on the introduction of NEET – a status for temporarily unemployed youth.

NEET intends to impose the responsibility of providing education and employment to unemployed young people on relevant state bodies.

Kydyrali explained how the government will work with NEET category youth.

NEET youth will be divided into four groups:

Group 1 is the unemployed youth who have dropped out of an institution and are not currently employed,

Group 2 is young people with disabilities who are able to work,

Group 3 is inactive youth with chronic illnesses or addiction to harmful substances, 

and Group 4 is young housewives, including mothers with many children and single mothers.

"Once we determine the number, we will form an index and work on employment," said Kydyrali.

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