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  3. Cultural Events to Attend in Nur-Sultan from Sep.13-17
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 September, 2022 | 14:24
2 min read

Cultural Events to Attend in Nur-Sultan from Sep.13-17

The events will celebrate the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions

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Valeriy Kaliev
Valeriy Kaliev

In the wake of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in the Kazakh capital, a variety of celebratory events are planned for the week of September 13-17, QazMonitor reports citing the Nur-Sultan city council.

Historical Exhibitions


The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation will host four exhibitions that each display a different facet of the nomadic lifestyle.

Nomadic Legends exhibition will present Batuhan Baymen’s graphic installations of the Great Steppe. Digital Steppe will show videos of preserved areas and historical monuments. Valley of the Kings will present reconstructed models of ancient warriors. Lastly, visitors to the Treasures of the Steppe will see ancient and modern Kazakh jewelry.

The event will be held from September 12 to 16 in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation at Tauelsizdik Avenue 57.

In addition, National Museum, Nur-Alem Pavillion, and Baiterek will host ALZhIR memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression.

The memorial can be attended in the National Museum at Tauelsizdik Avenue 54;

In Nur-Alem Pavillion at Mangilik El Avenue, B1;

and in Baiterek at Nurzhol Boulevard 14.


Astana Concert Hall will hold a Bulbul concert dedicated to the memory of opera singer Kulyash Baiseitova. Kazakh orchestra will open XXVI concert season with the folk masterpiece on September 16 at 7 p.m. in Astana Concert Hall at Kenesary Street 32.

Astana Opera will show Boris Asafiev's The Fountain of Bakhchisarai dramatic ballet. The basis for the ballet piece is Alexander Pushkin's poem by the same name which tells the story of Maria, a Polish noblewoman in the captivity of the Tatar general Girei Khan.

The event will be held on September 16-17 at 7:00 p.m. in Astana Opera at Dinmukhamed Qonayev Street 1. The prices for tickets start at ₸1,500.

Kazakhstan Central Concert Hall will host a Hans Zimmer concert by The group will perform famous pieces from the German composer’s repertoire, including music from Interstellar, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dark Knight, and others.

The event will be held on September 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Kazakhstan Central Concert Hall at Mangilik Yel. Avenue 10/1. The prices for tickets start at ₸13,000.

Uly Dala Sazy

photographer: Mukhtor Kholdorbekov (Kazinform)
photographer: Mukhtor Kholdorbekov (Kazinform)

The Uly Dala Sazy ethno-festival will be organized to showcase traditional performing arts with the participation of various contemporary folk musicians. The festival will be held on the territory of an ethno-aul, which will be set up near the Baiterek monument.

The event will host master classes on traditional crafts, an exhibition, and a Kazakh artisans fair inside yurts. Visitors will also be introduced to traditional musical instruments, jewelry, carpets, embroidery, and hunting and animal handling equipment.

There will be opportunities to take photos against the backdrop of the hunter's house and with animals, including a golden eagle and the native Kazakh dog breed tazy.

The festival will be held from September 12 to 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Nurzhol Boulevard 14.

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