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  3. Days of Kazakh Cinema Held in Prague
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 November, 2022 | 13:15
1 min read

Days of Kazakh Cinema Held in Prague

Two Kazakh films were shown at the event in the Czech Republic

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The Days of Kazakh Cinema opened at the historic Atlas Cinema in Prague, QazMonitor reports citing the State Center for Support of National Cinema (SCSNC).

SCSNC organized the event with the support of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in the Czech Republic. It was attended by diplomatic officials, media, public figures, and residents of Prague.

There were screenings of two Kazakh films at the Atlas Cinema: Time of Patriots (directed by S. Utepbergenov) and Zere (directed by D. Kamshibayev).

The Days of Kazakh Cinema is a wonderful opportunity to come together with colleagues and friends to appreciate the rich history and culture of Kazakhstan.

Petr Hnizdo, Head of the International Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

Hnizdo also noted that such events should be held as often as possible to bring Kazakh and Czech people together. He added that in recent years, cultural and humanitarian contacts between the two countries have reached a new level.

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