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  3. New Car Sales Rise in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 August, 2022 | 09:50
2 min read

New Car Sales Rise in Kazakhstan

Around 11,600 cars and light commercial vehicles were sold in July

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More people in Kazakhstan are buying new cars and light commercial vehicles in 2022 compared to the units sold in the same period of 2021, Qazmonitor reports citing Kapital.

In Kazakhstan, 11,600 cars and light commercial vehicles were sold in July 2022, a 9.1% increase over July 2021. The growth in sales was due to the rapid restructuring of domestic car plants to meet the needs of Kazakh consumers and the saturation of the domestic market amid a shortage of Russian-made vehicles.

Chevrolet brand was in the lead by the number of new cars sold in Kazakhstan in July 2022: 4,000 cars, an increase of 29.4% compared to July 2021. Next is Hyundai with 2,600 cars, a 29.6% increase. Kia is the last of the top three with 1,400 cars, an 11% rise from last year. The top five also include Toyota (903 cars - 24.7% less than a year earlier) and Lada (675 cars - 30.3% more than last July).

According to, sales of cars and light commercial vehicles have increased by almost 6% in the world, with 6.9 million units sold in July 2022. 

The growth was mostly due to indicators of China, which accounted for more than a third of sales. In July, almost 2.5 million new cars and light commercial vehicles were sold - 33.4% more compared to last July. This positive sales trend is primarily due to pent-up customer demand influenced by coronavirus restrictions, as well as the launch of new measures to support the car market from the state.

The U.S. follows, with 1.1 million new vehicles sold, an 11.6% drop from July 2021. Sales of new cars in Western Europe dropped 8.9%, to 910,100 units in July.

The deficit of components for the production of cars remains the primary reason for the continued disruption in the supply of new cars. The situation is exacerbated by logistical problems due to the war in Ukraine and ongoing coronavirus restrictions in China.

According to the Association of European Business, sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia amounted to 32,400 units in July 2022 - down by 74.9% over the same period last year. In Belarus, sales fell even more - down 79.4%, to 837 cars. The ongoing negative sales dynamics are primarily associated with the suspension of work of automobile plants in Russia.

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