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  3. Almaty's Congestion Issue Prompts Construction of Multi-Storey Parking Lots
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 13 August, 2022 | 17:29
1 min read

Almaty's Congestion Issue Prompts Construction of Multi-Storey Parking Lots

Akim holds scheduled public meeting with residents of Auezov district

Lars Landmann
Lars Landmann

Akim of Almaty Yerbolat Dosayev revealed Akimat's plans to build multi-storey parking lots in the city by the end of this year, Qazmonitor reports.

At a public meeting, residents of the Auezov district raised the issue of parking. "The streets are filled with cars, and the driveways are either partially blocked or jammed completely. As a result, neither the fire brigade nor ambulance can pass through when necessary. Large multi-storey parking lots are a matter of urgency," they said.

Dosayev replied that the Akimat will start working with private investors in 2023 to partially free up spaces. 

Currently, 50 streets of the district are undergoing repair in order to improve the quality of road infrastructure. Until the end of the year, there are plans to repair 23 streets and driveways that are 32.4 km in length.

To alleviate the problem of traffic congestion, two new subway stations - Sary-Arka and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly - were opened in May of this year. This increased the daily passenger flow in the subway from 50,000 to 70,000 people.

By the end of the year, the akim will hold 24 meetings with the population, one per quarter with the residents of each of the eight districts.

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