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Astana, Kazakhstan • 13 August, 2022 | 17:32
1 min read

Kazakh Education Ministry Announces University Grant Recipients for 2022-2023

Quota for socially vulnerable groups has increased this year


The ministry of science and higher education has published the list of winners of educational grants for the 2022-2023 academic year, Qazmonitor reports.

Grant winners can download their certificates from the website of the National Testing Center of the ministry (

A total of approx. 80,000 applications were submitted in this year’s competition for educational grants, which is 5,000 more than last year.

The most popular majors remain the same: Pedagogical sciences, Engineering, processing and construction industries, and Information and communication technologies received the largest number of applications. The biggest competition per grant was among teachers, dentists and engineers. 

Educational grants for socially vulnerable groups in 2022 have increased, according to the ministry. Children from large or single-parent families, as well as children with special educational needs, have better chances to receive a grant. The ministry has also established a quota for rural youth and ethnic Kazakhs with foreign citizenship.

The full list of state educational grant holders per subject is available on the official Telegram channel of the Ministry of National Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (

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