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Astana, Kazakhstan • 13 August, 2022 | 17:31
2 min read

Kazakhstan's Food Prices Compared with 94 Countries

Potatoes became the staple food with the highest increase in price


Even during harvest season, most countries around the world continue to see an increase in food prices. Analysts at e-commerce platform Picodi compared the rise in prices of select staple fruits and vegetables in 94 countries and ranked them based on which had the biggest jump in numbers, Qazmonitor reports. 

Ranking cost jumps

Picodi chose potatoes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, oranges, bananas and apples to compare the cost of fruits and vegetables around the world.

Among 94 countries, Turkey had the highest overall increase in the cost of food products mentioned above - with a 72.2% rise from January to July of 2022. Tomatoes had the biggest cost jump - with a whopping 121% difference between the price at the start of the year and now. 

Belarus and Russia ranked second and third in price rise: 33.4% and 27.3%, respectively. In Belarus, tomatoes had the highest cost jump (52%), while in Russia, it was potatoes (45%).

Kazakhstan is in 25th place with an overall price increase of 10%. Potatoes became the staple food that went up in price the most (23.6%).

The average cost of potatoes in Kazakhstan rose from 181 tenge to 223 tenge. Bananas became significantly more expensive: from 581 tenge to 661 tenge. 

Less noticeable increases were observed in the price of oranges - 0.9% (from 708 tenge to 714 tenge). The total cost of all products in question in January was 3,202 tenge;  in July, it rose by 10% to 3,418 tenge.

Despite the overall trend in the world, there are countries in the ranking, where the cost of the products decreased.

The Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Bolivia became the countries which have seen the biggest price fall in 2022. The cost of the fruits and vegetables decreased by 5%, 5% and 8% respectively. At the same time, in Ecuador and Dominican Republic, the cost of salad has increased.

The study collected data from hundreds of thousands of users from around the world. 

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