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  3. Kazakh Schoolchildren Won 23 Medals at International Science Olympiads
Astana, Kazakhstan • 17 August, 2022 | 20:59
1 min read

Kazakh Schoolchildren Won 23 Medals at International Science Olympiads

The latest results came from the International Linguistics Olympiad

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Instagram: @aimagambetov

Throughout July, Kazakhstan's school students participated in the worldwide annual series of competitions in various areas of formal sciences, natural sciences and social sciences. So far, the team managed to get 3 gold, 13 silver and 7 bronze medals, Qazmonitor reports with reference to the Kazakh Ministry of Education.

To summarize, the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) was one of the first in the series, where Team Kazakhstan received three silvers and three bronzes. The team's overall score of 174 points became the best result in the subject category in the last 12 years.

One gold and four silvers were snatched by students competing at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO). The result turned out to be the best in the last 8 years.

Next was the International Geography Olympiad (IGeoO) with an outcome of one gold and a bronze.

After that were the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) and International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO). Biology students earned three silvers and a bronze while the chemistry students took one gold - the first since 2017 - and three silvers. 

The latest update came from the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) which awarded two bronze medals to our students.

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