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  3. Vatican Library May Give Kazakh Scholars Access to Turkic Manuscripts
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 July, 2022 | 16:17
1 min read

Vatican Library May Give Kazakh Scholars Access to Turkic Manuscripts

Turkic studies became an important topic of discussion


Kazakh Minister of Science and Higher Education requested open access to the Vatican library archives for Kazakh scientists during a meeting with Vatican Ambassador Francis Assisi Chullikatt, Qazmonitor reports via Kazinform which references the ministry's press service.

"The access of Kazakh scientists to the Vatican library will allow a deeper study of the history of the Turkic world," Minister Sayasat Nurbek noted.

The topic of discussion also included cooperation between the Vatican and Kazakhstan in the sphere of exchange programs between universities. 

Minister Nurbek informed the ambassador about the "500 Internships" program for Kazakh scientists to conduct research in foreign universities. In turn, Ambassador Chullikatt talked about the current activities of the best universities in Italy.

"The system of higher education has a key influence on the progressive development of society," Francis Assisi Chullikatt emphasized.

Among the top priorities for Kazakhstan's education system was emphasized to be Turkic studies. In June of this year, the 5th meeting of the Scientific Council of the International Turkic Academy in Nur-Sultan finalized the decision of creating general Turkic textbooks for school, including the textbook "General Turkic History".

One of the main goals of the textbook series is to develop an objective assessment of the role of Turkic nomadic civilizations in the development of Eurasia.

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