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Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 July, 2022 | 16:16
1 min read

Kazakhs Set Record in Real Estate Purchases in Türkiye

House sales placed Kazakhstan 6th in June 2022

As of June 2022, citizens of Kazakhstan bought 318 properties in Türkiye, QazMonitor reports citing Kursiv Media. This is an absolute record for the country since the statistics began tracking purchases in 2015. The data was released by the main department of the country's land cadaster.

For the first six months of this year, Kazakhstanis have purchased 80% more properties than in the same period of 2021. Moreover, this number is higher than the half-years of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.

In total, Kazakhs bought 1,417 properties in Türkiye in 2022. This places the country fourth among foreign buyers of Turkish real estate after Russia (5,849), Iran (4,884), and Iraq (4, 025). At the end of 2021, Kazakhstan took sixth place. The next update on the statistics will be on August 16, 2022.

The land cadaster of Türkiye reported that house sales to foreigners increased by 81.8% in June compared to the same month of the previous year, amounting to 8,630 sales. House sales to foreigners had a 5.7% share of all house sales in June. İstanbul ranked first with 3,906 sales to foreigners. Coming up after İstanbul were Antalya with 2,534 sales and Mersin with 428 sales.

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