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  3. Kazakhstan's Satellite to Provide Internet in Tajikistan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 25 July, 2022 | 16:13
1 min read

Kazakhstan's Satellite to Provide Internet in Tajikistan

Kazakh communication satellites enter the international market

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Kazakhstan's Satellite to Provide Internet in Tajikistan

Kazakhstan and Tajikistan have signed an agreement on the provision of space communication services, Qazmonitor reports. A Kazakh communication satellite will be used to launch telecommunication services in remote regions of Tajikistan.

The Republican Center of Space Communications (RCSC), which is under the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, agreed to provide Tajikistan’s service provider Isatel LLC with the transponder bandwidth of the "KazSat-3" communication satellite.

Isatel LLC is a subsidiary of Teleradiocom JSC and is the communication service provider in Tajikistan. It has its own network management station in Dushanbe, which provides Internet access to both state bodies and private companies in the country.

At the moment, "KazSat-2" and "KazSat-3" are the only communication and broadcasting satellites to meet Kazakhstan’s needs for communication services, like TV and radio broadcasting, mobile service, Internet access, data transmission and more.

The cooperation reflects RCSC’s goal to enter the international market of space communication, as part of the country’s economic development agenda to increase exports of digital services.

RCSC also supplies space communications products to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

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