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  3. Kazakhstan Expects Large Flow of Students From Abroad
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 July, 2022 | 09:06
1 min read

Kazakhstan Expects Large Flow of Students From Abroad

Minister of Science and Higher Education will co-chair the Bologna Process

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Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek stated that Kazakhstan will see an influx of both Kazakh citizens and foreigners seeking educational opportunities, Qazmonitor reports citing Tengrinews.

The minister explained that the interest is due to Russia terminating its membership in the Bologna Process organization on April 11. Kazakhstan, on the other hand, co-chaired the Bologna organization from July 1.

"There will be a major conference in Nur-Sultan on October 5-6. I am co-chairing the Bologna organization as a minister. This is the prediction so far, but for now, we do not see a large influx. We are starting to prepare for it."

Sayasat Nurbek

He also answered the question about the recognition of Russian diplomas in Kazakhstan.

"Within the EAEU and the framework of bilateral agreements between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, the issues of netting credits, and the recognition of diplomas have long been settled, so there will be no such problems. Outside the EAEU, these are issues of bilateral cooperation between Russia and other countries. There are a huge number of additional bilateral agreements, that is, outside the Bologna process. Therefore, this is not such a big problem, as it is hyped in the media," added the minister.

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