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  3. Kazakhstan-Russia Relations Remain Friendly – Putin's Press Secretary
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 July, 2022 | 08:39
1 min read

Kazakhstan-Russia Relations Remain Friendly – Putin's Press Secretary

"Our governments are in constant contact" - Dmitry Peskov said

Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan remain friendly, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, QazMonitor reports with a reference to Tengrinews citing several Russian media outlets.

According to, Peskov recalled that the governments of the two countries regularly communicate. He stressed that relations between Russia and Kazakhstan certainly remain friendly.

"No decisions (on anti-Russian sanctions) have been made. On the contrary, there is a strong intention to further expand our interaction, to respond together to the challenges that come from abroad and to minimize the consequences of these unfriendly actions." 

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of Russian president
Photo credit: Darya Antonova,

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, when asked if Kazakhstan remains a friendly country to Russia, the presidential press secretary replied, "Absolutely, of course!"

"Our governments are in constant contact. The contact is on a regular basis, at the highest level," quoted Peskov.

Earlier, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov emphasized that Kazakhstan and Russia traditionally have a high level of interaction across the entire spectrum of interstate relations. The special nature of bilateral relations is also confirmed by the high dynamics of meetings between our heads of state.

"The government of Kazakhstan is ready for an active dialogue in all areas of our cooperation, aimed at deepening economic cooperation," said Alikhan Smailov at the meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Yekaterinburg.

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